Top 12 Benefits of Email Marketing For Business

 Email marketing is one of the best ways to communicate with customers, with this top 12 benefits of email marketing for business we will highlight, how you can benefit from this and generate money.

And while most email service providers (ESPs) now come with plenty of automation tools, email marketing can still take patience, hard work, and a small bit of financial investment upfront, with this the top 12 benefits of email marketing for business is what we will highlight in this articles. 

Which leads back to that same question:

“Is email marketing worth all the time and effort?”

So, today, we’re going to answer that question with a resounding YES. And by the end of this article, we think you’ll agree.

Email marketing uses email to build relationships with your audience. With the right communication flow, you can send relevant information and convert prospects to customers.

People interested in your product or service can join your list and, through email marketing communications, learn everything they need to know to make a purchasing decision.

By building your email list with your target audience (people who can benefit from your products or services), you can be sure that email marketing will become an important source of income for your business.

Why Email Marketing for Business Works

Unlike some other marketing channels, email marketing allows you to keep in touch with your customers on a consistent basis.

Be it a simple, “Thank you for subscribing,” a cheery, “Welcome on board,” or a sincere “Happy Birthday,” email is the easiest and most effective way to let your customers know you value them. Customers love it when a business treats them as an individual, not just like everyone else.

That value should show in the emails you send, and the more value you provide to your target audience, the more they’ll look forward to hearing from you. When that happens, it’s easier to get them to engage with your call-to-action.

These are 12 top benefits of email marketing for business; that make email marketing the perfect choice for your digital marketing activities.

1. Low Cost

Let’s start with the most important aspect: how much does it cost?

To run professional email marketing campaigns, all you need is a basic strategy and the right tool that allows you to test various tactics.

There are many professional email marketing software ( MailChimp, Benchmark, Sendinblue, Mailerlite, among others). These offer various plans based on the size of your list (number of subscribers).

The services are perfectly scalable. You can use a basic plan to start building your contact list, sell your products, and upgrade to more advanced plans as your online income grows.

2. Full Control

You have full control over your communications.

You can:

– Design your assets (for example, web forms, emails and landing pages).

– Decide the type of campaigns you run.

– Segment users to better direct efforts and achieve better personalization.

Plan your communication carefully to reflect your brand identity and stand out from other companies in your customers’ inboxes.

3. Accuracy

When you build your list organically, ask people to confirm the subscription. This way, you know that your contacts want to receive emails from your brand, which means that you are targeting people who are genuinely interested in your offering. This list is considered high quality and is likely to provide better business results.

You can run A / B tests, track statistics, and monitor the results of your campaigns in real time. Based on the information collected, you can make small changes (for example, layout, copy, structure, or workflow) and optimize your digital marketing program.

4. Easy to use

Creating an email marketing campaign is straightforward. You can design your templates, it’s just drag and drop, no coding required! And if design isn’t your thing, you can use ready-made templates to set up your campaigns.

5. The preferred Marketing medium

According to the DMA (Data & Marketing Association), most people prefer that companies contact them through email rather than other channels.

The survey results make perfect sense, as well-designed email marketing campaigns are relevant and non-intrusive – emails wait in the inbox and subscribers decide when is the right time to open and read it. And if they no longer want to receive the content, they can unsubscribe with just a couple of clicks.

Permission marketing means, according to Seth Godin, the Marketing guru, is privilege (not the right) to deliver relevant and personalized messages in advance to customers who really want to receive it.

6. Can reach mobile device users

The percentage of email that is opened on mobile devices continues to grow. According to a Benchmarks report, openings through a desktop account for 45.69%, followed by mobile device openings with 34.31%.

This means that you can reach your customers and influence their purchasing decisions wherever they are. You can also integrate your online and offline marketing, p. Eg by collecting email addresses at events or while shopping at a physical location.

7. Email is its own medium.

The digital marketing strategy is divided into paid, earned and owned media. Email belongs to the category of proprietary media (unless we are talking about sponsored email). It means that your company has full control over this online marketing channel.

In fact, over time, your email list becomes your greatest online marketing asset – a massive database of people wanting to know your brand.

8. Targeted and personalized communication

You can collect relevant information from your contacts throughout the subscription process and use it to tailor the communication to your needs and preferences. Based on the data, you can create segments of people who share common traits.

Your subscribers will stay on your list as long as they see value in your communication; so over time, you can build a huge email list that generates impressive income.

9.  Boost sales

According to a report from the Direct Marketing Association, 66 percent of consumers have made a purchase online due to an email marketing message.

By promoting your business through email marketing, it gives your audience the chance to make a purchase right from their phone or laptop.

Email marketing can be used to sell to prospects, boost referrals, upsell to current customers, and even re-engage customers that have not purchased from you in a while. The more relevant and targeted your email content is, the more likely the reader will take an action.

10.  Increased traffic to your website

Emails are a great way to get customers to visit your website. You can include relevant links to your site within your email content. You can also use your email campaigns to get customers to engage with other great pieces of content available on your website or blog.

For example, a local design school could send out emails to let them know about their new design class that has a limited number of seats. Many of their customers and potential leads may have missed out on this opportunity to attend the class had they not revisited the website in time.

The design school then can fill all the seats more quickly by promoting the class via email, instead of waiting for reservations to trickle in.

11.  Maintain 100% Control over Your Audience

Out of all the email marketing benefits, this may be one of the biggest: you want complete control over your audience.

More than any other platform, email marketing gives you the most stability.

With social media, you always run the risk of having your account suspended or shut down. Sometimes this isn’t even from something you did intentionally wrong.

People have had their accounts shut down for promoting their page on certain groups (without knowing they couldn’t) or by breaking other rules they weren’t aware of.

It’s why you hear horror stories of people building their entire business in Facebook pages and groups, only to get shut down and lose everything.

And the world of content marketing isn’t any better.

Thanks to algorithm updates and changes in SEO ranking factors by Google, you never know when your content will fluctuate on the results pages (SERPs).

12. Stronger customer relationships

Your customers appreciate a good email. The time and effort it takes to draft the perfect email doesn’t go unnoticed. They want to know what’s happening with your business, and how they can get involved.

It’s nearly impossible to reach out to all your customers in person or by phone. Email marketing campaigns bridge that gap. You could even set up a drip marketing campaign to help you smooth out the process.

Drip campaigns are ongoing and drive the user down the buyer’s journey to a final conversion point. They’re often used to provide constant value to subscribers while helping keep your brand top-of-mind. Often times, these emails slowly “drip” helpful information, products, or tips, over days, weeks, or months.

For example, the emails you receive when you browse Amazon, but don’t buy anything, are a drip email marketing automation at work.


It’s easy to get caught up in the intricacies of building out an email marketing campaign that works for your customers and your business.

There’s a lot of learning involved, but there’s also a lot of opportunity to communicate with your customers, rather than just sending emails all the time.

With email marketing, you can build your brand, out-do your marketing goals, and set yourself up as an expert, all without breaking your budget.



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