
My Wisdom Quotes For Today

"Marriage doesn't make a man responsible, instead, it makes him discover his selfishness, impatience, unfaithfulness, immaturity and quick to anger" "Marriage brings out the hidden you in you; it exposes all the dark side of your heart that you had been struggling to conceal from others" "When you meet a girl once and she remembers your first name on the second meeting, don't be fooled, she loves you" "The only date a man never forgets in his life is the day he bought his first car" "A woman may forget the day she got deflowered, but will never forget the day she had her first kiss" "The fastest way to get favour from God is not through prayer and fasting, praise does the magic" "It is easier for a broke person to become rich than for an average person because of comfort" \ Readers' note: please do note that all quotes above originally belongs to me, and are copyright protected, please ...

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My Wisdom Quotes For Today

"Financial wealth is a blessing to a good woman in marriage, but a great distraction to a single lady and a hindrance to her finding her dream husband" "Gender equality is a good thing, but the problem is that any woman trying to be equal to men will end up unfulfilled and unhappy in life" "A man can never be responsible until he has a child, not just a wife" "Marriage does not make a man responsible, instead having a child makes him more fatherly" Courtesy of: Frank Anok Readers' note: please do note that all quotes above originally belongs to me, and are copyright protected, please use them with permission and reference

Road To Financial Wealth: Say No To Waste!

W aste propagates poverty, and it is the greatest enemy to financial prosperity. Wasteful people always find it difficult to rise to the top. Christ also taught us not to be wasteful in life, when he fed five thousand men at a gathering, and after everyone was satisfied, he ordered his disciples to gather the remaining food in a basket, Mathew 14:20 “Everyone ate and had enough. Then the disciples took up twelve baskets full of what was left over.”

My Wisdom Quotes For Today

“Don't go broke trying to look rich, instead save that money you are using to buy expensive wears & invest so you can become truly rich” " To be happy and fulfilled in life, prepare for the worst, pray for the best " " A woman's love can inspire a man to greatness, but that's if her love for him is pure and undivided " Courtesy of: Frank Anok Please kindly note that all quotes above originally belongs to me, and are copyrighted, please use them with permission and reference, thanks.