How To Know if You Will Become Rich or Poor in Future

In as much as we do not have a concrete sign or signs that will guarantee that one will become rich in future, certain criteria or factors stand as clear enough signs to show how our future will look like when it comes to financial success. In this expository post, I will be revealing some never-heard before vital signs and factors that will help you discover your chances of becoming rich in future or not….and this is not meant to discourage you if you fail to see the signs in your life, it is meant to motivate you and inspire you to put more effort towards achieving your dream of becoming rich since that I believe is your goal for opening this topic to read.

What guarantees that you will become rich in the future? Find out after the page break below:

  1. Your attitude towards money: how is your spending habit when it comes to spending money? If you are the kind of person with the habit of spending spending, then it will be hard for you to save and possibly invest, this is a bad sign that you will get rich in the future.

  • Your attitude towards work: to become rich, you need to work; either mentally, physically or both, but the fastest way to get rich is through mental work, so if you are mentally lazy and find it difficult to engage your mental ability through daily research, reading and brainstorming, then your chances of getting rich in the future is slim.

  • Your skill set: some skills guarantee a promising financial future than some skills, so if your skill set fall under computer programming, coding, software development, app development, digital marketing, singing, writing, etc, then your future looks brighter than most of your peers with less attractive skill set.

  • Your family background: if you happen to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, then you don’t need any soothsayer to tell you that you will probably end up rich in the future. Also, if you come from a family that values entrepreneurship, then you have a high possibility of making it big in life.

  • Physical looks: in as much as this may sound vague or offensive to some people, it is the obvious truth that good looks can guarantee you a promising future if you harness it well, how? Are you aware that people get rich by marrying a rich spouse or someone from a rich family? Of course good looks can help increase your chances of marrying a rich spouse whether as a man or woman. Secondly, good looks can make it easy for you to gain access into showbiz like acting, modeling, music and the likes.

  • Your attitude towards problems: if you are this kind of person that feels so concerned about solving society problems and always feel like you owe your society the price of solving their daily life challenges, then you have a very special skill and talent that shows greater chances of discovering solutions to major society problems, which is one of the surest ways to become rich; solve society problems and monetize your solution. This is how Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and many more became rich when they found solutions to global problem and today they are rich.

  • Your location: your location can make it more easier for you to become rich, hence if you are born or currently living legally in certain locations of the world, the truth is your possibility of ending up rich in future is higher than people in certain locations with lacking basic life amenities and infrastructure.

  • Your gift: they said a man’s gift maketh a way for him. If you think that statement is false, then think about music stars like late legendary pop star Michael Jackson, Lucky Dube, Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, and what about the living ones like Celine Dion, Elton John, Phil Collins, Justin Bieber, Jay Z, Beyonce, Kanye West, Eminem, Tyler Perry, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, Wayne Rooney, Etoo, Didier Drogba, Kanu Nwankwo, and all the NBA stars, and other top Athletes like Serena Williams, etc? So if you have certain talents, then your future is more promising than that of others.

  • Your circle of friends: show me your friends and I will tell you about your future. Yeah, that’s my usual words during counseling sessions with youths. Most times in life, your circle of friends influences most of your decisions in life, and they also go along way in shaping who you finally become later in life, so your circle of friends can tell if you will become rich in future or not. Remember, you can’t be moving out with failures and expect to be a star. To shine in today world, you need the right friends to work with, reason together and possibly kick start something together. There are successful music stars today that started as childhood singing group, they are too many to mention here. So make the right friends and keep the right friends if you want to end up rich in future.

Let me drop my pen here for today, I remain your friend and mentor, Frank from Frankwealth Team.


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