3 Online Businesses You Can Start From Home & Earn Over $2000 Monthly in 2018

2017 has come and gone, 2018 is heading into the 2nd quarter, which means that whatever business you intend to start in 2018, this is the right time. Don't wait any further, procrastination is one of the major killers of financial freedom. So now is the right time to startup that online business you had been preparing to start. 

Note: reading without applying what you read will only mar your chances of breakthrough. So it is better you start now to apply every single thing you have read in order to perfect your knowledge instead of waiting endlessly to start when everything is set. No matter how hard you try, everything will never be set, so get started and learn further as you keep on trying.

In this post, I will be showing you three simple yet highly profitable online businesses you can start from your home or school hostel and earn at least $2000 every month.  These businesses I am about to reveal to you does not require huge startup capital, which means, as a student or unemployed graduate you can  still start this business and make a living out of it.

The online business tips I am about to share with you in this free blog post are what most information marketers would sell to you, but I chose to share them with you guys for free as my own little way of saying thank you to God, to my fans, to my readers, and to everyone that contributed in making me who I am today and who I am working to become when it comes to financial freedom and starting up a business from home. 

You might be wondering why I am taking so much time in the preamble, but its because when I look back at how I started, how rough things were financially for me, how uncertain the future looked then and where I am today, it makes me smile with tears of joy (just in case you haven't read about My Story Series, please follow up by clicking here). 

Okay enough of my personal travails, though I will still be sharing my personal story with you guys in upcoming blog posts as a way of encouraging those still struggling to find their feat in money making, but for now, lets go back to the main topic of today; simple online businesses you can start from home and make steady monthly income from anywhere in the world.

Seriously, if I were a foreigner, the best people I will be following in my effort to learn how to make legal money online from are Nigerians, and you know why? The reason I said this is simply because, any Nigerian who succeeds in making legitimate money online without involving in crime or scam, based on the various challenges and discrimination against legitimate hardworking Nigerians online, it is highly difficult for a Nigerian to make legal money online, so for a Nigerian to overcome these uncountable challenges and hurdles and end up making legitimate money online, then that Nigerian person deserves an award of excellence. So to my foreign fans and readers, this is a rare opportunity to learn how to make money on the internet from someone who overcame all odds to break even. Now, let's get to business....

1. How To Make Money with Product Review Websites:

Buying and selling online otherwise known as eCommerce has come to stay and there is nothing anybody can do about it until the world ends, instead more people around the world will stop buying from physical stores and rely more on online stores because with time, as the global population continue to increase geometrically from global population indices around the world, road traffic will become even more unbearable than we are witnessing now, and people will become too busy and lazy to step out of their home, office or school hostel to shop, or for fear of mall attacks by terrorists groups, or fear of road traffic jam, and in an effort to reduce stress and to also avoid the numerous challenges that comes with finding where to park at the mall, etc will push more people to buy and shop online.

Now when you study this trend, it is a good and bad news. It is a bad news for physical shop owners who has refused to upgrade with the latest trading skills using internet technology and a good news for online shop owners and retailers. It is also a good news for internet savvy people like you and I, in the sense that it provides us with various uncountable opportunities to make even more money online from the comfort of our homes.

Also, as more people rely on buying things online, they want to also avoid buying the wrong product that doesn't fulfill its promise, or one that doesn't last, and this is where you come in.

In the past few years, online shoppers relied on reviews posted on the online shop they want to buy from in making their final purchase decision, but many online shops bastardized this great feature by buying reviews and paying people to give their product positive reviews to lure potential buyers. So with time, online shoppers discovered that online sellers and online shop owners do put up fake product reviews to attract buyers, while some go as far as paying people to post a fake positive review of their product. Because of this, most enlightened online shoppers now rely on independent product review websites that give neutral product reviews based on their personal knowledge and usage of the product. I repeat, this is where you come in to make money without compromising on the reviews you share.

Personally, I have earned good income through my product review sites, and still earning. I am not afraid sharing this online money making secret with you because I have been into it for some time now, and I can boldly say that this is one internet business opportunity that can never be saturated. So even if everybody in the world joins this business, you and I sill stand great chance of making a living out of it if we dedicate our time, knowledge and passion to it.

In a separate blog post which will be published on www.frankwealth.com soon, I will be discussing this topic of making money online with product review website in a more detailed article with steps and secret tips, so be a regular visitor so you won't miss it.

2. Make Money with Drop-shipping

This is one of my favorite online money making business. You can become a millionaire through Dropshipping business alone, but you really need to do a lot of personal research in order to succeed in this business. 

This is one of the businesses that earned me the money I used in changing my car last year and acquiring a new landed property on the Island. You too can achieve even more, if only you would dedicate your time, energy, resources to it without giving up too easily.

One thing about Dropshipping is this; if you don't research well and get things right, you may end up not making a dime, but if you don't give up, and keep on researching and learning new tricks and applying them, you will sure be on your way to earning steady income online from home without much stress.

To start dropshipping business, you will need these tools below:

1. Functional laptop or desktop computer
2. Good internet connection
3. Domain name
4. Web hosting
5. Facebook account
6. Startup capital: $350 - $1000

Don't let the startup capital above discourage you, I will be explaining how to raise startup capital for your business through local drop-shipping in a separate blog post, which I will also publish on this website, so be a regular visitor in order not to miss  any of my money making series and tips here.

3. Amazon Private Labeling Business

Amazon has created so many millionaires through this private labeling business model. This is a multi-million $ business that has turned peoples' life around. I haven't made much money from this business myself and its simply because I have been here and there doing too many things at the same time, so I had to slow down to finish setting up some other businesses I am into before going fully back to this business, but guys, I must tell you, this business is a goldmine, it will turn your fortune around, and I don't think I can explain it enough in just this single blog post. Which means, I will be sharing more detailed info about this business model...but then, if you truly want to start this business and make money from it in a big way, then you need to sign up for my personal coaching or get my soon-to-be published eBook guide on this and apply as you read.

This business is awesome, once you are able to set it up properly, you can go to bed and just monitor your income with your laptop from the comfort of your home or office or even school hostel as the case maybe.

Take this as a tip off...though not detailed enough to guide you, but it will surely give you an idea of where the money is in 2018. So you can make more research to know how to go about it if interested in kicking off soonest.

Remember, I will never leave you until you succeed financially....you must get rich or die whining, so get ready to act and walk with me here on FrankWealth.

Until then, keep on winning....
FrankWealth Team


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