10 Amazing Affiliates Marketing Platform That Is An Alternative To Clickbank


We all know Affiliate Marketing is one of the best way to earn a decent income and it is a good source of earning passive income without putting too much effort.

Nowadays you can find many Affiliate Marketing Marketplace where you can find high commission paying affiliates programs that you can easily get started with.

Affiliate sites like Clickbank mainly bring the affiliate marketing to a whole new level, and this is the reason why so many people are using Clickbank. Clickbank is also reliable with on-time payments. But currently, Nigeria is not allowed on Clickbank

Clickbank payout rates is very good as most of the products on their website is basically giving 75% of the profits right to the affiliates. But do you know there are also MANY high commission paying Affiliate Programs right out there in the market that you can get started with easily?

Here in this post, we have compiled the list of the top-notch Affiliate Alternatives to Clickbank that you can join in 2018. These alternatives of Clickbank offer fantastic offers as well.

1. Rakuten Linkshare

Rakuten Linkshare is an affiliate marketing service provider. Basically, LinkShare was bought by Rakuten in the year 2005 for $425 million and after that, they have rebranded it as Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Program. This affiliate marketing industry has been voted as the NO #1 affiliate network for six years and annually they have facilitated over 100 million dollars annually

It really doesn’t matter whether you are an affiliate or publisher this is the place you should really don’t want to miss out on the affiliate marketing industry. As they offer various ranges of products for affiliates that you can choose from some of them like New Balance, Ray-Ban, Sephora, Guess, Lacoste, Walmart and many others in a row.

But keep one thing in mind, as these are very popular brands in the network, here the application process is a bit complicated. If you have already created an affiliate account with them before to promote a product, you will have to apply again when you want to promote another brand or product. That indicates that you will be needing the approval of the advertiser in order to promote their products.

Rakuten LinkShare generally focuses on physical products. So you have some idea now that you will not be getting that much high commission here, as you will be selling physical products. It also provides tools that will really make affiliates easier to implement and optimize all of their affiliate marketing efforts.

Here you will also get feed management tools like the PopShops along with data feed solution and these will let you advertise for creating feeds in order to increase the product distribution.

2. Commission Junction (CJ)

Commission Junction is also known as CJ, and it is another leading affiliate network in the physical affiliate industry. And the best part is that it basically works the same as the Rakuten LinkShare. But in order to get started with its program, you need to get merchant approval and also get accepted by the advertiser thereafter you will be able to start promoting your products.

Many of the big brands generally listed their products on CJ so that you can choose and promote it. Besides of providing tons of products here you will also get many powerful tools right for measuring and tracking your affiliate campaigns. And the best part is that they will also deliver reliable conversion pixel tracking for monitoring the real-time transactions and you will also get linking options in order to drive sales.

CJ support direct bank deposits, check or they pay through their partners like Payoneer, so that you will not get any difficulty.

3. ShareASale

This is another well-known marketplace in the Affiliate Marketing Industry. Basically, it focuses on physical products where big brands gather. ShareASale has been there in the industry for very long and it is really simple to sign up for an account there. This is just like CJ, here also you will have to take the merchant approval in order to promote their products.

But here the platform you will be getting may not be user-friendly as the website lacks design and intuitive interface, but their search feature will definitely help you a lot. After you have selected a certain product to promote you will also be able to check the stats like the EPC, average sales along with the average commission. Also note that the merchant will review and verify your website before giving approval.

Like other marketplaces, ShareASale also provides real-time tracking so that you can easily measure your sales performance. And here the custom creation tool is another great feature that is included. And with the help of that, you can easily create custom license plate links right with the social media features and the deep link to the products you are basically promoting.

The best part about this amazing Affiliate Network is that they also provide continuing education for the people who is willing to grow their business. They also conduct webinar on a regular basis along with newsletters that will really keep you updated with their affiliate programs.

4. Amazon Associates

For sure everyone knows about Amazon, and also about its affiliate program called Amazon Affiliates. Here you will get almost everything you can promote that you can find on Amazon. The best part here is that being an Amazon affiliate, you can leverage its brand.

The only down part is that the commission percentage that Amazon allocates to their associates is low. Another point to the note is that here you will be given a mere 24 hours window for the sale to happen, and if no sales it will not be considered as part of your referral.

It really doesn’t matter in which industry you are here you can promote almost everything that you can find on Amazon. But here the sign-up process is really very hectic and also challenging and the Amazon really appreciate the sites which are getting decent organic traffic. It may also happen that if your website is new and doesn’t have any credible traffic then it might happen that they may reject your application form.

You can find anything from A to Z to promote on your website or blog whatever you have. Overall, I would like to say Amazon is a great option for an affiliate network but it totally depends on the strategies that you follow to promote your products. And trust me really requires a different game plan from Clickbank.

5. eBay Partner Network

This is another famous affiliate network that is basically created for the affiliates similar to Amazon associates. Here you will get plenty of products that you can promote right on your blogs and website. Basically, people know that buying from eBay is far better than buying from any other anonymous website.

Basically, eBay partner shares there simple success formulas. And here the first one simply finds the right product for your website audience. As there are tons of products that you can find on eBay it should be better for you to choose legit products to promote.

The next formula is to share the products with your audience. Here you can use some tools that are provided to generate affiliate links along with analytics to measure the performance. And the last one is to earn the commission right when someone buys your products using that affiliate links.

6. JVZoo

JVZoo has been there in the affiliate industry for few years, and it is super easy to promote digital products platform with the prompt payments.

JVZoo mainly focuses on the internet marketing categories. If you are in the industry, this gives you a great opportunity to find the best products to promote on your website. It is really very easy to navigate through JVZoo and you will also get lot of stats along with useful information right about the products you are willing to promote.

One major drawback of JVZoo is that it does not support Payoneer.

That doesn’t mean you cannot make money from JVZoo. There are other ways to get paid as well. JVZoo gives you a great opportunity for you to earn good amount of money.

7. PeerFly

PeerFly is one of the fast growing CPA affiliate network in the world. Here the thing is that rather than promoting physical and digital products, you will be earning commission simply by the actions from your leads. When the traffic you send to an offer takes action like the subscription or the filling the form and submitting and with that you will earn good amount of commission. That is why it is known as the Cost-Per-Action or in short, we can say it CPA.

The best part about PeerFly is that their system is basically custom built from the group up so that you should never experience downtime or any of the hosting related issues.

Basically, the application process for the PeerFly can be a little bit tough as they have strict approval system. That truly indicates that they only want quality affiliates to promote their products.

Basically, there are thousands of the offer right from many advertisers from all over the world right in the PeerFLy network. The best part is that they hold up rewards programs along with the contest in order to make the promotion task more interesting. In addition to that, Peerfly also offers free training and tools for the people who are willing to take them for the continuous improvement.

Another plus point is that Peerfly has weekly payment feature and there you will be getting paid every week. And here earning direct commission from the CPA offer, there is also another way to earn from PeerFly and it is through their referral program as an incentive publisher.

8. Affiliate.com

This is another popular affiliate network that you should consider as a Clickbank Alternative. This affiliate network is not meant for everyone and if I must say in particular, it is not for the newbies. They really prefer to have advanced affiliate marketers who are currently having experience and they really don’t want any newbie.

As there are many lists of products that you can promote from Affiliate.com and they really have a top-notch affiliate support right from their affiliate managers. The best part about this affiliate network is that they pay every week but in order to get payments, you should be fulfilling their requirements first.

Affiliate.com mainly aims to work with top-notch and experienced affiliate marketers so that they should offer targeted and real traffic to their advertisers. And due to this they really strive for the professional when they will review your application.

Basically, their application process may take up to a few days for the approval and right after submitting your application you should wait and expect a call from their support team in order to confirm your information. Now you have the idea that the process is really very professional and if only you're serious about promoting them then you should go for that unless not.

9. GlobalWide Media

Global Media is acquired by Neverblue, it is one of the reputable affiliates that generally focuses on CPA advertising. Currently, they are having big and branded client that includes Alibaba.com, Ford, Rakuten, Uber along with Booking.com, Lazada, Expedia. Qatar Airways and many more in a row.

Now you have the idea that, currently they are having top notch brands to promote so it is really very difficult to get access and become their affiliate. There is the general opinion that Neverblue scrutinizes applications thoroughly because they are really looking for quality affiliates and quality to perform.

Neverblue always conducts checks frauds and simply check right before allowing any of the affiliate to register through their websites. From my point of view, it is a really good idea as when you will get accepted there will be more probability for you to perform better with them.

And unlike PeerFly, GLobalWide Media affiliate program also offers a referral bonus right from everyone that you will invite to join them. Basically, they are having a large database of big clients and they mainly offer many pricing models like the CPA, CPL, CPM along with CPC too. When you get approved you will be assigned a dedicated affiliate manager to your account.

10. Tradedoubler

Tradedoubler is one of the popular affiliate networks right there in Europe with thousands of advertisers and you will also get tons of products that you can promote. Basically, they have products of brands like Groupon, ING, Microsoft, Puma, Sixt and many more in a row. The best part is that Tradedoubler is out there in the market for two decades and it is also considered as the top 20 affiliate networks in the world.

Here you can find offers like CPS, CPC along with CPA and CPM from their marketplace, and with the help of their tracking platforms, you will be able to see all the insights like the number of sales, clicks along which items you have sold. Basically, this affiliate network doesn’t reveal too much about the pricing here along with the earnings from the publishers and also the advertisers.

The best part is that registration process is straightforward but it also requires approval from their affiliate managers too. The reason why you should use this amazing affiliate network is that they provide many offers for you to promote. And they have some great offers from many big companies.

The only downside of this affiliate network is that they are generally based in the UK and mainly focuses on the European market. Sometime it may also happen they might reject affiliate due to the geography constraints. Overall they are having publishers and advertisers from all over the world, and if you want to participate they mainly require a majority of their local based traffics.

Now you have the Clickbank Alternatives you can join depending on your individual marketing requirements and you can just choose as many affiliate networks to promote on your website and blogs.

Thanks for reading.


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