Do These 7 Things & You Will Become Rich!

 One truth about life is; everyone wants to be rich, but the sad truth is that- not everyone will be rich and you know why? Because not everyone is willing to do the things that make people rich.

Now, the question is: do you truly want to be financial rich? If yes, then do these things:

1. Stop Watching TV!
It sounds crazy but the truth is the more you watch TV admiring Kim Kardashian's sexy body, the more likely you aren't gonna be rich!

No rich person spend most of his or her time watching TV; tuning from one channel to another in search of the latest TV series to watch while his or her mates are developing their ideas into salable product.

2. Meditate!
If you don't ever make out time to meditate about your life and the direction its headed, then you are probably not going to be rich; that's a fact!

Meditation brings about vision, and vision is the mother of every great invention or success.

3.  Stop Sleeping Like a Lazy Cat!
You spend most of your precious time sleeping.

Successful people don't sleep foolishly; they just make sure they get enough sleep, and they usually wake up early while you are still in bed, which gives them an edge to finish up some tasks while you were busy sleeping and snoring.

4. Stop Depending on Your Job & Start Your Own Business!
You can be fired from your job anytime, but no one can fire you from the works of your hand, talent and skill.

If truly you want to be rich, then you must learn not to depend on your job. You must start now to visualise yourself owning a business of your own and employing other people.

Stop wishing to become the manager of so so and so company and starting visualizing yourself managing your own business.

Starting up a business or company isn't that difficult if you want to, all you need to do is develop your natural gift, explore your likes, your hobbies and search thoroughly what people around you are lacking and are ready to pay to have it, then give it to them asap!

5. Stop Extravagant Spending!
One of the greatest enemies to financial success is waste. Learn to spend below your income.

Poor money management is one major reason many people go broke, and for you to become rich, you must learn to manage your money wisely.

I love gadgets, but I don't allow my love for gadgets to make me spend more than I can afford just because I want to acquire the latest gadget in town, only to go borrowing.

6. Have a goal!
Do you have a goal in life? Have you defined your life's goal? What steps are you taking to achieve your set goals in life?

7. Discard all irrelevant friends!
If truly you want to be rich in life, then you must let go of some unworthy friends who will only drag you backwards.

I am not going to mention names, but if you go search very well, you will discover that most rich people you read or hear about in the world today, collaborated with one or two of their friends to achieve their success.

If the kind of friends you have are those that are only interested in party, clubbing, women, etc, then you better let them go now before it is too late.

Such friends can only tolerated if you are into entertainment and showbiz.

8. Develop Your Passion, Monetize Your Hobby!
Do you know that your wealth lies in your passion and hobby?

Most wealthy men and women you read or hear about became wealthy by exploring their inner passion!

God gave you a passion for a reason, don't ignore it!

If your passion or hobby is playing with animals, then develop it, and watch people draw close to you just to watch you play with your animals, and thereby giving you an opportunity to become rich.

I will stop here for today, see you again soon....and please be a regular visitor and let's grow rich together.

From me; Frank to you with love!


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