Beautiful Pictures of International Space Crew That Arrived Space Station Yesterday

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying cosmonaut Sergey Volkov, the European Space Agency's Andreas Mogensen and Kazakhstan's Aidyn Aimbetov docked with the space station's Poisk module at 3:39 a.m. EDT (0739 GMT) Friday (Sept. 4).

Earlier today before the Russian Soyuz spacecraft docked with the space station's Poisk module, I raised an argument on NASA's official google plus account, asking why we had no black astronault or scientists involved in yesterday's historic space mission because there were a representation of other races except the black race, which shows how much blacks shy away from global science and technological innovations, thereby killing their chances of acquiring technology by force just like China.

Its high time black people rose to the occasion and take the world by surprise when it comes to science and technological innovations and stop wasting their time chasing religion that has taken nowhere. 

See the group picture taken by the crew members in space yesterday:


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